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The Patchogue Arts Council is dedicated to serving the community by encouraging, promoting and supporting the arts. Serving the Greater South Shore of Brookhaven, Long Island, New York, USA
Friday, December 19, 2008
County Secures $1.7M To Bring Color to Artspace Project in Patchogue
Patchogue-Medford News
In giving a boost to the Village of Patchogue’s renovation plans, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy has announced on December 17 that he has provided $1.7 million to help the village in its Artspace project, which will provide 45 affordable housing units, workspace for artist, and retail space.
The renovation project entails the Terry Road corridor from South Ocean Avenue to Rider Avenue, according to Village Mayor Paul Pontieri. “One of the problems we have in the village is being able to provide affordable housing in the village,” he said. “This [program] will provide affordable housing and [the village] will become a destination by bringing in artists here.” He said affordable housing is the only way to “keeping our young kids here on Long Island.”
Saturday, December 6, 2008
December 2008 News from The Patchogue Arts Council
On Friday, December 12th beginning at 6:30 pm, PAC will be participating in an evening dedicated to the tragic death of Marcelo Lucero. After a procession for the train station to the Congregational Church, there will be an artistic evening of music, poetry, and art. PAC will be leading an audience participatory sing of two songs, “Somos el Barco” and “Let There Be Peace on Earth”. We need volunteers to help Marion Russo and Mary Phillips represent our organization. Please e-mail us to let us know you are coming and can participate. Someone will be in contact with specifics. Let’s join all the other wonderful organizations in supporting this healing process.
Join us and enjoy our Walking Arts Tour December 15th 2008 - March 15th 2009
The newly formed Patchogue Arts Council Inc. (PAC) is pleased to announce that it is hosting its’ first winter Walking Tour beginning December 15th 2008 through March 15th 2009. An exciting event is anticipated! A vast spectrum of artists spanning across the five boroughs and all of L.I. have been invited to display their work in a number of Patchogue locations, storefronts, restaurants, and open spaces.
Artist Reception: January 24th, 2008 1pm. The Patchogue Arts Council in collaboration with the Patchogue Theater for Performing Arts invites you to meet the participating artists during the Patchogue Winter Arts Festival.Artist whose work is exhibited include: Sherill Barnes; Victoria Beckert; Jessica Cannon; Michael Carbonaro; Linda Carlson; Stella Castro; John Cino; Beatrice Coron; Merideth Dannefelser; Michele DePalo; Lori Gebhardt Devlin; Leni Friedland; Beth Giacummo; Holly Gordon; Rhoda Gordon; Sharon Henson; Michael Joseph Hibbard; Petronio Idrovo; Ann Jacobsen; Titus Kana; Debra Ann Kasimakis; Dan Kudreyko; Dan Lachacz; Lawrence Lee; Nora Litz; Cecilia Lueza; Lillian Master; Kathleen McArdle; Jessica McAvoy; Robert Mielenhausen; Adam Miller; Reyaz Nadi; Segundo Orellana; Dominick Palma; Vivian Pollack; Jeffrey Allen Price; Cheryl Fey Richards; Maria Macedonio Ritter; Debra Rodman; Barbara Runge; Kathy Seff; Sandy Seff; Fabian Tacuri; Chris Taylor; Vito Tripi; Dawn Waikya; Dan Wooster; Peggy Yunque; Jo Ann Zambito and Mary Zellman
Patchogue Theater Lobby Gallery Committee presents “Lace Mill: Images and Artifacts” By Leonardo From Nov. 28, 2008 – Jan 18, 2009
Artist's Reception: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2009, 6–8 pm, 71 East Main Street Patchogue, NY 11772, 631-207-1313. The Patchogue Arts Council is excited to announce its latest exhibition to grace the walls of the Patchogue Theater for Performing Arts. “LACE MILL: Images and Artifacts”, featuring the photography of local Long Island artist Leonardo Liguori will be on view from November 28th – January 20th 2009, during Theater and box office hours. [Box Office open Noon-6 pm (closed Sunday)]
Photographer Statement “From the moment I first breached the outer-protective walls of the complex known as the Lace Mill, I was enthralled by her mystery, her shadows, sounds and even her smells. With and without assistants and models, I crawled, climbed, jumped and dangled through, over, under, around and in between her countless catacombs, broken stairwells, busted walls, river-strewn floors, and skeleton roofs.” For Information Please Contact, John Cino,
SAVE THE DATE! Patchogue Winter Arts Festival - A Day of Local Original Art, Poetry and Music January 24, 2009 The Patchogue Winter Arts Festival – A Day of Local Original Art, Poetry and Music is Jan. 24th and presented by the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts and the Patchogue Arts Council.
Arrive at 1:00 enjoy the LOBBY ART GALLERY , a free reception for the opening of “Texture, Fire, Color” by Bill Shillalies, meet Bill and the artists from the WALKING ARTS TOUR, and then head out to see the art at locations all over Patchogue Village
Next at 3:00 pm enjoy POETRY IN THE LOBBY, free Live in the Lobby readings by PHIL ASAPH, CAMPBELL DALGLISH, PETER HAMMARBERG, KELLY POWELL, BARBARA REIHER-MEYERS, and KEMPTON VAN HOFFThen we suggest a wonderful meal at one of Patchogue’s fine eateries.
Arrive back at 7:30 pm for MUSIC AND POETRY ON THE MAIN STAGE - Music by KARMASUTRA, IRIDESENSE, and GOLIATH the Poetry by MICHELLE WHITTAKER, JAY JII and former Suffolk Poet Laureate GEORGE WALLACE. Then enjoy acoustic musical performances by JOHNNY CUOMO, CAROLINE DOCTOROW, JESSIE HAYNES, JORDAN HOPE, JOHNNIE LEE JORDAN, RORIE KELLY, DAVE MARCH, NINA ROMANO GROUP, JAY SCOTT, and CHRIS VAN COTT AND THE VAGABONDS Be sure to visit – to listen to some participating musicians. Musicians and Poets are volunteering at this event to benefit LIVE IN THE LOBBY and PATCHOGUE ARTS. TICKETS START AT $10.00 at the box office or by phone at 1-877-77CLICKPatchogue Theatre 71 East Main St., Patchogue, NY 11772
Join a Committee – Help Us Grow! Email us at if you are interested in working on a committee, we will forward your request to the committee chair and supply you with their contact information. We are growing fast and are finding it hard to link up new members with their interest group; we will need your help to make this happen, thank you once again for your help and understanding.
Arts on Terry Arts Event – a one day contemporary arts event where invited artist will share their work with the public and each other.
Education Outreach [Advancement of the Arts now forming] - Committee supporting access to the arts and artists in the Public schools. This Outreach Committee will devise a schematic to plan, initiate, and maintain program of individual artists reaching into the public school domain to enrich children’s lives. This will be achieved through on-site master classes or field trips to studios, students will be exposed to a “working artist” and how his creativity process manifests. Each individual artist will be responsible for the content of the demonstration, as approved by the School Board.
Fund-raising - Plan and run events that will raise the necessary funds needed to accomplish goals of committees and the Patchogue Arts Council.
Information Technology - Oversees and seeks out technologies that will assist council to accomplish its mission. [computer, web, blog, e-newsletters]
Literary Arts - [forming now] Note: Poets will perform at Patchogue’s Winter Arts FestivalTo promote Patchogue Arts Council as an organization that supports poetry and literary arts. The Council is able to also promote literary art in conjunction with other art forms for the community and Suffolk County.
Marketing Advertising - Promotes our COUNCIL; our MEMBERS and assist event committees in the promotion of their EVENTS.
Media Art Center - Seek out spaces like PTPA or local churches to for small theater or cinema productions, work toward opening a facility.
Membership Outreach - Publicize memberships and benefits to the community, while ensuring that all membership benefits are executed.
Patchogue & Suffolk County Arts Event Google Calendars - Update and maintain calendars, and find more websites to have the calendar embedded in, hence broadening exposure of the events.
Patchogue Theatre Lobby Art Gallery - Plan, prepare and coordinate six Patchogue Theatre Lobby's Art Gallery Exhibits a year.
Patchogue Arts Youth Chorus - [forming now] A start up Committee looking for members devoted to bringing the joy of singing into the lives of children. Singing, Eurhythmics, and Basic notation will be presented in a non-grading atmosphere. Geared for children 8 – 14, choice of music will depend upon participants. Planning on a small concert in the summer and numerous short “rehearsal” performances. Sessions to run on hopefully on Saturday morning. Children will also participate in the Brookhaven Choral Festival in the Summer. This Committee is in the planning stages and needs administrative help.
Patchogue's Winter Arts Festival, Jan. 24, 2009 A Day of Local Original Art, Poetry and Music at The Patchogue Theatre. Presented by the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts and the Patchogue Arts Council
Philip Jones Griffiths Exhibit - Plan, prepare and coordinate the Philip Jones Griffiths Exhibit at a location in Patchogue.
Public Space Art - Plan, prepare and coordinate the development of public art space projects in Patchogue.
Walking Arts Tour - December 15, 2008 - March 15, 2009
Plan, schedule and promote An ongoing walking arts tour where invited contemporary artists are welcomed to display their work in public Patchogue locations. [Summer Tour Being Plan]
PAC MEMBERS NEWS - Bill Herman presents LI Cares Benefit at Brickhouse this Sunday
Bill Herman/Paradiddle Records announces their second annual "Holiday Hullabaloo" Concert and Party to benefit Long Island Cares. The Hullabaloo will take place at the Brickhouse Brewery located at 67 West Main Street in Patchogue, Long Island on Sunday December 7th from 2 pm until 8 pm.
The afternoon will feature raffles, door prizes and musical performances by The Lone Sharks, Corduroy Sky, Jay Scott, and Iridesense, with several special guests including Johnny Cuomo, Caroline Doctorow, Chris Cauley, Chris Van Cott, Katie & Jeff Pearlman & Cole Verderber. Also appearing will be the Paradiddle Holiday Choir. Suggested donation is $10.00.
This is the second year Paradiddle Records, a Huntington based independent record company, has helped to raise money for a Long Island Charity by hosting the Holiday Hullabaloo. Their first event raised $1,000 for Charity Begins at Home. The performers and a number of volunteers donate their time to raise money for Long Islanders in need. For more information visit Paradiddle Records, LI Cares, Brickhouse Brewery. Contact: Bill Herman, Paradiddle Records 631-680-0544
PAC MEMBER NEWS – CoDanceCo hosted American Ballroom Theatre and DANCING CLASSROOMS in Bellport
On Saturday, November 15, sixteen fifth grade students from Frank P. Long Intermediate School in Bellport participated in a dance lesson taught by American Ballroom Theatre’s (ABrT) Artistic Director and DANCING CLASSROOMS creator Pierre Dulaine. Dulaine’s nationally acclaimed program was the subject of the documentary film “Mad Hot Ballroom.” His personal story served as inspiration for the movie “Take the Lead” starring Antonio Banderas.
The November 15th event was part ABrT’s training initiative with CoDanceCo, a local non-profit organization led by Nancy Duncan that is ABrT’s licensed National Network Site on Long Island. Funded by the Dana Foundation, the initiative supports the training of Long Island dance artists to be certified as DANCING CLASSROOMS teaching artists for CoDanceCo.
In March 2009 all 13 fifth-grade classrooms at Frank P. Long Intermediate School will participate in DANCING CLASSROOMS. The following coalition of community partners have come together to raise the funds for the ten-week, twenty lesson residency: Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington, South Country Education Foundation, and the Frank P. Long PTA.
SAVE THE DATE! The South Country Education Foundation will be hosting a dinner dance fundraiser March 21, 2009 with proceeds going to support Dancing Classrooms at SCSD. Please contact the Foundation at 631-286-0302 for additional information.
PAC MEMBER NEWS - Beth Giacummo’s Work Exhibited
Beth Giacummo’s work entitled "Big Choice", is presently exhibited by the Smithtown Township Arts Council at the Mills Pond House Gallery. The exhibit runs December 6 - December 30, 2008 with the opening reception on Saturday, December 6th 2-4 pm. Please join Beth at Mills Pond House Gallery660 Route 25A, St. James NY 11780, 631-862-6575, Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat-Sun 12-5For more information or media please call 631-806-4722, email or visit
PAC MEMBER NEWS - Michelle Whittaker would like to invite you to “In Celebration of Emily Dickinson” Program Director Michelle Whittaker and the Northport Arts Coalition in Cooperation with the Northport/East Northport Library presents In Celebration of Emily Dickinson – One of America’s Greatest Poets. Wednesday December 10th at 7pm Northport Library for more information visit
NEWS from the Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council supporters of the Patchogue Arts Council
The Gallery at Bald Hill - Dec. 4 to Dec. 15, 2008 The Big Stuff exhibit highlights artists who work large, featuring more than 30 pieces by local artists. Visit the Gallery at Bald Hill before it closes for the Holidays! *Reminder: The Gallery at Bald Hill will be closed for maintenance from Dec. 15, 2008 until Jan. 15th, 2009.
Coming up in 2009……..
Members Show- January 15 to February 8th
Loves of My Life —February 12 to March 1st
Textures — March 5th to March 22nd
Bach Boys—Friday, December 12th at 7:30 p.m. at the Gallery on the Hill. Back for the third year in a
row, the Bach Boys, A Modern Classical Guitar Duo, will entertain us for an amazing holiday event,
“A Classical Guitar Christmas”. Come join us as we relax and enjoy the sounds of the season with
friends in our beautiful gallery. Admission is $10.00/adults and $5.00/children. Family rates are $20.00. Non-member rates are slightly higher. PAC members pay member rates! Refreshments will be served. Call to reserve your seats! 451-9070
Mark your calendars for our premier Café Bald Hill performance at the North Shore Heritage Center in
Mount Sinai. Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 7pm celebrate the new year with a special performance by
“The Sea Monkeys”. Enjoy a relaxing evening of some of your favorite hits from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Call for information: 451-9070 Also at Mount Sinai: Love Letters on Friday, February 13th, Sister Act on Friday, March 13th.
Theatre Three presents its 25th Anniversary production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
adapted/directed by and starring Artistic Director, Jeffrey Sanzel as Ebenezer Scrooge. Also in the cast is BAHC Board Member, Debbie Starker, as the Ghost of Christmas Present. The show plays on the main stage through December 27th. Arrive early for pre-show caroling in the lobby! For tickets/info call 631-928-9100 or go to It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the season, or start a new family tradition! Join our Kids Club members on their special holiday trip to this show! Call 451-9070 for information about our Kids Club.
Town Hall Show— Our next Town Hall exhibit goes up on January 14th, 2009. Why not choose some
of your favorite pieces to hang on the third floor of Town Hall where they can be enjoyed by all who visit the seat of town government?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Artist colony proposed for Patchogue
By David Winzelberg
Friday, April 25, 2008
Patchogue’s rebirth could include a little slice of Manhattan’s SoHo. At least that’s what Patchogue officials hope will become of its 103,000-square-foot project planned for Terry Street, one block south of Main.
Artspace, a nonprofit developer of loft-style live/work residences for artists and musicians, will build a 43-unit affordable housing project on the four-acre parcel, which is now the site of two underutilized village parking lots and a vacant house the village recently bought for $375,000.
Village Trustee Lori Devlin said that many artists already call Patchogue home, but a restored Patchogue Theater and revived Patchogue Arts Council have “brought a lot of people out of the woodwork.” Devlin said a first arts show on Terry Street has already been scheduled for September.
Village Mayor Paul Pontieri said the four-story Artspace project, scheduled for a 2010 completion, would create a cultural arts incubator because it would provide artists with a place to live and work.
Village Trustee Gerard Crean said the Artspace project should generate economic activity for the whole village because affluent art collectors will stop by, acquire art, shop downtown and visit restaurants.
Crean said Artspace would also transform some village retail space, and bring arts-related businesses and other new tenants to nearby stores. Minneapolis-based Artspace began developing live/work units for artists in 1979, when rising rents were forcing artists out of Minneapolis’ historic warehouse district. The company has built or redeveloped 19 complexes in metropolitan areas, including Seattle, Houston, Reno and Chicago.
Patchogue’s rebirth has already included housing, including Copper Beech. The village is also anxiously awaiting Tritec’s mixed-use plans for a hotel, retail and residences on Main Street. But the mayor said the Artspace project and the cultural reincarnation of Terry Street “completes the circle” between performing and fine arts, and would bring a new cache to a once tired village.
“Out east, art is an industry,” Pontieri said. “We think it becomes critical to a downtown’s survival.”
Before it closed in 1954, the Patchogue-Plymouth Lace Mill was the village’s largest employer and Terry Street bustled with activity because of it. The mill itself was blocks away – it’s the current site of Briarcliffe College – and a row of small homes built for mill employees still line the eastern end of Terry.
Eventually, Pontieri wants the homes turned into gallery space for the budding Terry Street colony, which would stretch from South Ocean Avenue to Rider Avenue. “It will give an identity to the street,” Pontieri said. “It’s an attraction.”
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Artist's Community Closer - Artspace receives ARB approval from Patchogue

Artists would flock to Patchogue Village if only they had affordable places to work and practice their craft. And now, Art Space, the national non-profit organization that builds living and studio space for practicing artists, is one step closer to building in the village.
On Tuesday night during a special joint hearing before the village’s Planning and Architectural Review boards, Artspace received approval from the ARB to construct a 41-unit development on Terry Street. The village planned a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting Wednesday night after The Long Island Advance went to press. “It enables artists who are making a living waiting on tables or from their art to remain here,” said Marian Russo, executive director of the Village’s Community Development Agency. “We could become that artists’ community here on Long Island.”
The deadline for Artspace to receive needed approvals is fast approaching. The organization must meet the village’s Jan. 22 deadline for plans and have its application submitted to New York state by the end of February. The plan calls for constructing a 60,000-square foot building in three sections, with one tower to be five stories tall and two live/work areas to be three stories high. There would be roughly 2,500 square feet of commercial space for a coffee shop or wine bar, between 60 and 70 parking spaces and plenty of gallery space. The idea, Artspace representatives said, was to create a unique building that houses artists who love to display their art for the public. In fact, one of the criteria to be chosen to live in an Artspace building is a desire for an artist to integrate their work into the community.
“They have to have some sense of community,” said Shawn McLearen, project manager for Artspace. “We don’t want artists who lock themselves away.” Throughout the public hearing,McLearen said Artspace would work with village officials and comply with village code. A question was raised if architects had adequately designed to allow access by emergency responders. Architects said they were planning to install a freight elevator and that there was adequate space around the entire building to allow fire trucks complete access in the event of an emergency. Developers also said they urge Artspace residents to be creative in designing their live and workspace, but would follow village codes regarding outdoor plantings.
While many aspects of the design were unveiled Tuesday, developers still have quite a bit of work ahead of them. Both the Planning and Architectural Review boards said Artspace would have to submit more plans as the project progresses, including showing what type of street lighting would be used, how sidewalks would be installed and what type of landscaping would exist. “The plans are still evolving,” said Matthew Meier of Hamilton, Houston and Lownie Architects. Hans Henke, a member of the ARB, even asked if the plan took into account the potential effect of Patchogue’s dense pigeon population. “I don’t know how you prevent pigeons,” Meier said. “All the bricks and panels are washable. This will be in their national portfolio and I would venture a guess that they will want it to be clean.” As artists spoke in favor of the project, a college art professor at St. Joseph’s College asked if Artspace had taken into account that artists sometimes work with semi-hazardous materials. It was a question also asked by the Planning Board. “All units are well ventilated,” McLearen said. “We take that very seriously.” The plan calls for using environmentally- friendly materials wherever possible and having as much natural light filter into the residences as possible to allow artists plenty of light to work with. The windows will be large and there will be galleries open to the public during certain hours. Artists on the first floor will be encouraged to open their windows and doors to the public to allow pedestrians to see first-hand the vibrant community within. A member of the ARB said she and her family visited the Artspace building in Bridgeport and were overwhelmed by the hospitality of the artists and the aesthetics of the building. “These are people I want as neighbors,” she said. Mayor Paul Pontieri said Artspacewould greatly enhance the arts in the village. “I’m excited about the gallery space throughout the whole development,” he said. “We’ll be able to do some really neat things from art shows to artists in residence so people can work with the artists and be able to create something that will join the theater and the artists community and give people more reason to come here. The whole goal is for that area to become an artists’ community.”
Officials said they expect to break ground on the $19 million project in late summer if all approvals are obtained.